Notas del parche de la actualización 2.31 de SOULCALIBUR VI

Noticias, Notas de parches

Notas del parche de la actualización 2.31 de SOULCALIBUR VI

SOULCALIBUR VI: Los siguientes cambios y mejoras formarán parte de la actualización 2.31 que estará disponible el 10 de diciembre para las versiones de PS4®, Xbox One y Steam®.


Recordad que, una vez actualizado el juego, las repeticiones de las versiones antiguas no podrán seguir reproduciéndose debido a los ajustes en las mecánicas de combate.


Battle Adjustments (PS4®/Xbox One/STEAM®)

Performance fixes and balance adjustments will be made for certain actions in battle.
You can view more information here.



  • The slider for adjusting the angle of extra items, which was unintentionally changed to an incorrect value of -50 to +50, has been fixed to its previous correct value of -180 to +180.
  • Fixed a problem in which the "Crown Princess Attire" and "Enlightened One's Armor" could not be equipped at the same time unintentionally.


Game System Adjustments (PS4®/Xbox One/STEAM®)

  • Some text errors have been fixed.


Missing Adjustment Notes (PS4®/Xbox One/STEAM®)

The changes in the Battle Adjustment Ver. 2.30 have been updated.
Erroneous items with or missing information are marked in red.


We are continuously checking and investigating other unexpected issues. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


¡Encuentra tu próximo juego de lucha!